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Money Management

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  • Your Cash Flow
    This is one of those things far too many people overlook. It goes hand in hand with a budget.
    • HappyAndFree
Ken Payne
2 min read
Money Management
How often should you review your personal finances? It depends on how tight your finances are. If your means are modest, it makes sense to review monthly to catch areas which need to be adjusted quickly, because your room for mistakes is less. Spending too much on dining out, for instance...
Ken Payne
2 min read
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings
Money Management
Doing a cash flow worksheet is the best way that I know of to get a handle on your personal finances. So let's take a look at what all this means. In most large businesses, finance departments set up and religiously review departmental cash flow budgets. There, I said it... the much feared...